Aaaaaand this is what pissed me off.

Sigh…I actually did get blamed for this once.  It was dumb, cuz I can’t change anyone’s sexuality.  Sexual preferences is a thing you’re born with, it’s not something someone can be “convinced” of being.

However they were just being mad at me cuz I was a scapegoat.  Really they were angry at their son, but since they didn’t want to be angry at their son, I was the one who ended up getting the blame.


All you lovely people who donated, thank you very much, and I’m gonna email everyone to find out what you guys want for your commission perks (those who donated for the signed comic, it will be mailed once the entire thing is posted online). Emails have gone out, please send me your commission/avatar requests! Those who have already sent me their commission requests have already been sent.

People who paid the $50 donation, your comic will be sent out sometime within the next week.  I’m literally waiting on money coming in so I can send them, please be patient just a little longer.

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